Use "subside|subsided|subsides|subsiding" in a sentence

1. Cannot settle, cannot subside.

2. The flooded river was subsiding rapidly.

3. The storm began to subside.

4. My fever has subsided drastically

5. Μy fever has subsided drastically.

6. The storm gradually subsided.

7. 17 The ache was subsiding into a dull throb.

8. His rage was beginning to subside.

9. Weak foundations caused the house to subside.

10. His voice subsided to a mutter.

11. He subsided into a pensive state.

12. In time, the anger subsides and apologies are exchanged.

13. David's crying subsided to a whimper.

14. After an hour, the sensations began to subside.

15. These are continued for 48 hours after fever subsides .

16. 4 Simon waited until the laughter subsided.

17. The foundations of the building have subsided.

18. Though the cramps subsided, the paralysis remained.

19. Tragedy gets tidied away - mortal injuries subside.

20. The clamor did not subside so simply.

21. See how the earth has subsided?

22. To choose his own meal and subside into prayer.

23. She waited nervously for his anger to subside.

24. The rain had subsided to a wan drizzle.

25. But after the pain subsides, we can reason and act normally.

26. His anger finally subsided following other people's coaxing.

27. She subsided into the roadway and screamed again.

28. This subsided following a political agreement in 1998.

29. The pain had subsided during the night.

30. Anticyclones are usually characterized by low-level divergence and subsiding air.

31. After a few minutes the noise began to subside.

32. Once your talk is under way, your nervousness will likely subside.

33. Side effects of the drug tend to subside as time passes.

34. The momentum often subsides, leading to a tumbling of the share price.

35. Loden's hackles subsided, his tail began to wag.

36. The pounding rain continues for about four hours, then subsides to a patter.

37. The ground around these sand fissures subsided, causing more damage.

38. Loden's hackles subsided[sentence dictionary], his tail began to wag.

39. The police are hoping that the violence will soon subside.

40. I took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided.

41. The Mississippi River delta is subsiding faster than any other place in the nation.

42. He began to cough in rasping barks that became horribly convulsive before eventually subsiding.

43. After the pain subsided, I was unable to straighten my arms.

44. Antonyms for Cumulative include decreasing, diminishing, subtracting, subtractive, declining, dwindling, falling, subsiding, reducing and shrinking

45. Antonyms for Accumulative include decreasing, diminishing, subtracting, subtractive, declining, dwindling, falling, subsiding, reducing and shrinking

46. In time, though, the sheer intensity of David’s feelings likely subsided.

47. By the mid–19th century the bridge was subsiding badly and expensive to maintain.

48. This brother’s problems began to subside after he accepted a personal Bible study.

49. But eventually, it will subside, and something else will take its place.

50. The unrest has subsided, but the local militias wield too much power.

51. Synonyms for Abates include decreases, declines, diminishes, subsides, dwindles, eases, lessens, ebbs, wanes and fades

52. But after the war, public fears of forest fires were not allowed to subside.

53. There is a danger that many homes will subside because of the drought.

54. After the water subsides and the dry season begins, branches sprout buds and leaves grow quickly.

55. S3210 Subsidence temperature inversion Inversion caused by the adiabatic warming of a layer of subsiding air.

56. By the early 1950s the ballpoint boom had subsided and Reynolds' company folded.

57. In Middle Albian the Estella Basin subsides rapidly, creating marine conditions through Upper Cretaceous and Eocene time.

58. As his panic begins to subside, he is left with a feeling of shame.

59. Sometimes , after the inflammation subsides , strands of fibrous tissue may form in the pleura which makes the 2 layers stick together .

60. Hilda shrieked a couple of times, thuds followed, and she subsided to a whimper.

61. The pain subsided within few days after treatment with ibuprofen and ultrasound applied locally.

62. First Sledge hit him, and then me, and then he subsided and went quietly.

63. 18 The discomfort subsides gradually over one or two weeks, leaving the joint apparently normal, and pain-free.

64. The clamour for action subsided and complacency over the labour situation again set in.

65. From the moment that the waters of the Euphrates began to subside, Babylon was doomed!

66. He spat out a black-misted growl, and the pirate crew suddenly began to subside.

67. On the podium J ? Eric Humphrey stood impassively, waiting for the disapproving chorus to subside.

68. Little by little, and in the course of time, all this opposition subsided.

69. The wartime animus of the two nations subsided into mutual distrust when peace finally came.

70. By 17 though the fever had subsided, he was charging Edwards's Northampton following with insanity.

71. Fortunately, there was no explosion, and by Friday afternoon the fire gradually began to subside.

72. In the spring of 1735 the movement began to subside and a reaction set in.

73. Through the machinations of the evil Fairy...the level of the lake begins to subside.

74. These generally occur at levels above the therapeutic range and subside when the dose is lowered.

75. This marble figure seems to flame and spiral up, surging, groaning like an earthquake, subsiding even as he rises.

76. The nauseating fear that machine technology will replace all living species has subsided in my mind.

77. Prissy produced the sugar - tit, given her that morning by Mammy, and the baby's wails subsided.

78. 13 Being treated with sublethal dose of insecticide pyrethroid, An. sinensis showed an effect of subsiding in survial capacity and fecundity.

79. Heat helps relax the contracted muscle during Cramping, while ice helps when the pain has subsided

80. The dominating Serbo-Macedonian neotectonic swell was rifted, and subsided along the Struma and Vardar lineaments.